Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Unemployed and fabulous!

I am approaching my fourth week as a member of the unemployed class and truth be told, apart from a day or two of feeling like a "lost, loafing, loser", I'm having the most delightful time. Perhaps reality will set in as the old bank account approaches overdraft, but for now, I'm going to ride this positive wave and continue to organize every corner and crevice of this house.
Yesterday I tackled the kitchen that has been in a state of "renovation" for the past year. I figure if I can make it as pretty and functional as possible, the roommates (husband and the young brood) will be less grumpy and that, my dear friends, is worth its weight in gold. The weekend fared beautifully with a trip to my favorite thrift store, where as my Texan pals would say, "I struck gold!" Yes, I agree, now is not the time to be compiling that Vogue wardrobe, but fashion knows no boundaries, particularly in the areas of fiscal restraint. Knee-high tan suede wedge boots, a chocolate brown suede wallet, tan hiking boots, two pairs of gloves, two belts, a Lululemon black hoodie, a creamy dreamy peasant-style skirt with matching lace bustier, a merino wool wrap-around sweater, a ballerina pink chenille cowl-neck sweater, a plaid fedora, and I think that's everything - for a mere $170!!!!! Can you imagine?? I cannot even begin to fathom what shopping was like before I discovered vintage, consignment, and thrift shops. If only I could share this news with the husband, he'd be so proud of me. Then again, my women's intuition advises me to keep this little shopping adventure to myself, at least until some work comes my way.
What men do not understand is the importance of a woman's appearance, particularly during times of duress such as a lay-off. One can easily toss one's self-care by the wayside and begin to take on the appearance of a way-ward transient, and that, my dear friends, does not do an ounce of good for one's self-esteem. At times such as these, one's outer appearance can truly boost one's inner thoughts and feelings. In other words, "if I look like hell, I'm going to feel like hell" versus, "I look just fabulous, and gosh darn it, I feel fabulous!" Yes, today will be another day of organizing the home, compiling and catologuing more outfits in the beloved closet, and last, but not least, the on-going search for employment. Wishing you a fabulous day!!!

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